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CBD Oil Dosage: Basic Guide With Chart

CBD Oil Dosage: Basic Guide With Chart

CBD oil has recorded increasing interest over the past few years. Currently, the U.S. has some states where recreational marijuana is legal and almost all the states legalized it for certified medical uses, This has caused an upsurge of available CBD in the marketplace. Although CBD has become widely accepted within and around the U.S., most people are still doubtful about it.

You may ask, ‘How much should you take using the tinctures?’ Truthfully, there is no official dosage size while using CBD oil tinctures. The optimal dose varies according to the individual and depends on several factors.

So, what’s the ideal dosage for more specific medical conditions? Is one drop enough per day? If you’re interested in CBD oil but have some questions about it, we have fortified this article with the answers you need. We explored the important details of using the CBD, properly measuring your cannabidiol dosages and the various CBD dosages for different conditions. Read on!

CBD Oil Dosage: Starter Guide

There is no general dosage for the CBD tinctures. The ideal amount to be consumed varies between individuals and on feedbacks from users of the product. However, some factors that determine the dose include the user’s weight, genetics, physical condition, and body chemistry.

The potency of CBD is measured in milligrams (mg) per dose. The typical dosage ranges from 20 to 40mg per dose. However, while some individuals consume as little as 1mg, others can go higher than 100mg per dose.

Dosage Chart Based On Weight: Finding the Right Amount

One major factor that affects your choice when dosing CBD is your body weight. Slimmer and lighter individuals usually require a lesser dosage to reach their optimum dose. Contrarily, individuals with higher body weight will more likely need a much higher quantity to reach the proper dose.

Our recommended dosage is your body weight measured in pounds multiplied by 0.25mg CBD each day. So, a 150lbs person should consume—(140 x 0.25 = 35)—35mg of CBD daily, while a 220lbs person should take 55 mg of CBD each day (220 x 0.25= 55). You can also divide the doses between nighttime and morning.

Also, we advise you to determine the optimal dosage for your body by taking in little dosages and increasing that intake by 2 to 5 mg daily. Do this until you find out the best dose you can consume without it becoming detrimental to your health.

Below is an easy dosage chart for using CBD oil tincturesfor different body sizes. Also, understand that some individuals of the same body weight may have different optimal dosages because of different metabolic compositions and physical conditions.

Concern Size 2-25 lbs Size 26 to45lbs Size 46 to 85lbs Size 86 to 150lbs Size 151to 240lbs Size 241+lbs
Mild Range cases 4.5mg 6mg 9mg 12mg 18mg 22.5mg


Mid Range cases 6mg 9mg 12mg 15mg 22.5mg 30mg
Severe Cases 9mg 12mg 15mg 18mg 27mg 45mg

Dosage for Pain

When taking CBD oil for pain, the doses differ. Mild pains and aches—like mild PMS aches, low-level arthritis, or even lower back pain—just require either a mild or a moderate dosage of CBD oil.

Whereas, for chronic aches, nerve pain, cancer pain, or stubborn multiple sclerosis, you will need to ingest a heavy CDB oil dose.

Also, while some individuals experience the analgesic effects of CBD oil within a very short time, others experience it after some days or weeks. Pains like cancer pain, inflammatory pain, or endometriosis pains take longer before you notice any improvements.

On the other hand, muscle pain, digestive pain, arthritis pain, or PMS pain subside only some hours after taking the CBD oil. On the other hand, joint pain and arthritis subside much faster when you apply topical product such as CBD cream with the CBD oil.

Dosage for Anxiety

Research has shown that CBD oil serves to reduce social anxiety. It is efficient in treating chronic stress and, most time, falls within the moderate-severe range of the spectrum. Nevertheless, some individuals who experience anxieties realize they are usually very sensitive to CBD oil and require only a small dose.

We recommend that while using the CDB oil to treat your stress levels, take tiny doses and monitor how it affects you. If you experience no improvement, add advance to moderate dosage. Remember to note your body weight and start consuming doses proportional to your body weight. In doing this, you’d avoid reducing the ineffective use of CBD oil.

For the best performance, take your CBD oil early in the morning, preferably first thing in the morning, then again during lunch. Most people have made it a habit to take CBD in a mild dose. They consume the oil about an hour or half an hour before any anxiety-triggering activity.

Also, the potency of CBD depends on the quality of the CBD product you choose. Ensure to find out the best CBD for anxiety, as it can save you the stress and cost of getting something that isn’t effective.

Dosage for Sleep

Individuals who experience sleep disorders get better using CBD oil to enhance both the duration and quality of sleep. They will require a heavier dosage, as the goal of ingesting a heavy dose of CBD is to elongate your sleeping time.

Lesser doses of CBD oil, typically below 10mg, have an exciting effect, whereas heavier doses, usually above 20 mg, are more sedative. Therefore, increasing the quantity of CBD oil you take will increase its sedative effect on you.

Some specific kinds of CBD extracts have greater sedative tendencies. For instance, CBD oils that have sleep-inducive terpenes like bisabolol, lavandin, myrcene, or linalool are more likely to be sedative.

Pro Tip: Start Low & Play It Safe

Start Low & Play it Safe

First, choose a serving size, measured in milligrams per CBD, to kick off. The aim is to commence with a low serving amount, more especially if you’re new to CBD. We recommend you start by ingesting 5 to 10 mg of CBD oil two a day based on user feedback. More effectively, split it to once early in the morning and again in the evening.

Begin by taking it in small doses so that your body can adjust to CBD consumption. This also enables you to prevent mild aftereffects that come after ingesting excess.

Advance As Time Goes

While taking your dosage, ensure to do so either once or two times daily. If you can’t find out the best dosage level for you, increase the quantity per day.

However, there are times when you can experience side effects like nausea or headache after taking CBD oil. That is a sign that you have taken too much CBD and should reduce the dose a bit.

Make Significant Adjustments Over Time

You can attempt some more experimentation with your dosage as time goes on. For example, you can adjust what time of the day you take your dose or how many times you take it.

It’s also good practice to adjust your dosage quantity over time. Some individuals had discovered that they developed some level of tolerance to CBD after using it for a prolonged time. While using CBD oil, you may also discover that you’re not getting what you desire. If this happens, ensure to stop taking the CBD for some days, then begin from the top again until you find your optimal dose.

Final Thoughts

CBD is appreciated within and around the U.S. for its impressive health and social benefits. It is very effective in nullifying pains of all kinds, extinguishing stress and anxiety, and correcting sleep disorders. In addition, taking CBD using the oil tincture can help you effectively curate how much CBD you want to consume.

However, the prolonged use of CBD oil can cause your body to develop some level of tolerance to it. If this happens to you, stop using it for a while, then go back to find out your new optimum level. Also, don’t forget to employ the easy dosage chart for using CBD oil tinctures while determining your optimum dose.