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Four UK Celebrities Who are Backing CBD

Cannabidiol – known more commonly as ‘CBD’ – has quickly become one of the most well-known and popular wellness ingredients in the UK and beyond. In fact, the CBD wellness industry is now booming across Europe, the Americas, and much of Asia, thanks to its non-intoxicating effects and impressive list of potential health benefits. But aside from its perceived benefits, CBD may owe its ever-growing recognition to another factor: celebrity endorsements.

Celebrities undeniably play a massive role in consumer buying habits, from skincare and make-up to beverages – and the same can also be said for CBD. In the UK alone, a plethora of celebs have openly discussed their love for the cannabinoid and even backed a few CBD businesses along the way. So, we’re taking a look at four of the most prominent UK celebrities that are shouting about CBD.

Sir Patrick Stewart

Back in 2017, Sir Patrick Stewart – known the world over for his roles as Captain Kirk in Star Trek and Professor Charles Xavier in X-Men – made headlines after he issued his support for the UK’s first initiative exploring the benefits of medicinal cannabis. But this wasn’t the only revelation the A-List actor had in store.

Having revealed that he suffers from arthritis in his hands, Sir Stewart told how he had experienced relief from the associated pain and stiffness with the help of medical cannabis. According to reports, his prescriptions, which were filled in California, included a CBD spray that the actor swears by!

Claudia Winkleman

Another household name here in the UK who has been outspoken regarding her experience with CBD is Claudia Winkleman. The BBC Radio 2 DJ and Strictly Come Dancing presenter has even become the face of a well-known CBD brand, featuring in television adverts and posters.

In a 2021 interview, Winkleman explained how her “obsession” with CBD had begun in the 2020 Coronavirus lockdown: “Until lockdown, I hadn’t even really heard of CBD. Don’t ask me anything sciencey because I have no idea, but it works for me.”

She continued: “It’s not just a nap in the day now, it’s a super-nap. CBD has become part of my regime in the same way I brush my teeth.”

The Goodrays Deluxe CBD Wellness Box

Anthony Joshua

In 2021, following major setbacks in the sporting world thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic, former World Heavyweight Champion boxer Anthony Joshua announced that he was becoming a shareholder in one of the UK’s biggest CBD companies. As an ambassador for the brand, Joshua has been featured in a multimedia campaign promoting the products.

The collaboration is also expected to feature the development of own-branded wellness-focused CBD products by Joshua. Regarding his decision to get involved in the CBD world, the star athlete explained: “The ability of CBD to improve people’s everyday lives is undeniable.”

Ozzy Osbourne

Next up, we have one of the most well-known rock legends of all time: Ozzy Osbourne. The former front man of the Heavy Metal band Black Sabbath may have earned the nickname the ‘Prince of Darkness’ and a reputation for heavy drug use, but according to his wife and manager, Sharon Osbourne, Ozzy opted for CBD in place of prescription painkillers after a fall in 2019.

During an appearance on Loose Women, Sharon explained the extent of Ozzy’s injuries which forced him to postpone tour dates in early 2020. When asked about the possibility of Ozzy becoming dependent on painkillers, Sharon explained: “He’s off all of that. He had to have it after he was operated on the last time. But now for pain, he has that CBD – or whatever it’s called – and he’s dealing with it that way.”

So, there you have it: Four UK celebrities who have hopped on the CBD wellness train. If you would like to take a leaf out of their book and discover what CBD could do for you, why not check out our range of CBD Drinks, CBD Oils, and CBD Gummies? At Goodrays, you can rest assured that you will be receiving high-quality, FSA-approved products. For more information and resources on CBD, take a look at our Journal page.